Downloads: SMFH Mods

Recent files in category "SMFH Mods"

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Uploaded by lesmond
Feb 09, 2019, 06:36 AM
downloads: 1572

Child categories

1 File: 1

2.1 Mods

Mods for the 2.1 line of SMF.

1 File: 1

2.0.x Mods

Mods for the 2.0.x line of SMF.

Files in category "SMFH Mods"

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Pages: [1] v1.0

By Lesmond

Install Requirements

This mod was tested on SMF 2.0.17, and SMF 2.1RC* and up. SMF 1.x is not and will not be supported.


This mod adds a new IP lookup to your forum, to the "Look

2 Kb | Views: 6283 | Downloads: 1572
Last accessed Today at 01:52 PM | lesmond

Pages: [1]