{NEW} - A new css video is up.

{OLD} - New video courtesy of Skhilled, Thanks for posting it up.

Video of the moment:

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SMF Sites

Quick Info


We hope you have a great stay here in our little corner of the web. Feel free to make yourself at home. We will try to make this experience here for you a good one. So pull up a chair and get comfortable. Community is a big part of this site. We want everyone to feel like they belong and are a part of things. Introduce yourself after you join so we can all get to know you and what your about.


The sole purpose of this site is to make your SM Forum creation/administration a lot easier. We do this by providing you with a friendly, relaxed community based environment, with members that are more than willing to help you out with anything you may need. If you're just starting out with SMF or your a novice then this is the place for you. We will help you learn what you need and teach you some tricks along the way.

SMF Mods

We also provide support for our own package modifications as well as mods from third-party authors. You can also find Theme support and custom code that has been put together by our members. Not only do we provide support for the ever popular SMF software but we also have a very nice members area for you to relax in. "From the beginner coder to the pro; we can help out. Come on in and check us out."

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I just wanted to say I hope you all have a great New year. Thanks to everyone that visits and participates in this site and makes it what it is. I hope all goes well for all of you in the new year. Please stay safe, have a great time and Party on. Happy New Year all. We'll seeya next year.


Get it while it's hot! :rgton

EDIT: You can find the latest release and fixes here:



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Hi All,

I have created a clean test 2.0.19 forum I've used a password manager to generate a 100 character password.
The admin creation part worked fine and the user was created, when I try to login using the username/password combo it errors out saying my details are incorrect.


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I don;t kow how to describe it treally.

I want to copy my smf forum files etc (reatijign directory structure) from one host to anoterh host/domain name.

Ideally I'd like to avoid downloading it all to my computer then re-uploading - my broadband is not as fast as it ought to be!


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How can I change the height of the .dropmenu for desktop without changing the size of the mobile menu? Whenever I change the height of .dropmenu in index.css it also changes the size of it in responsive.css although I've added a .dropmenu with different settings in responsive.css.


My members, admins and I are experiencing issues with sending PMs.

Sometimes the little spinny icon thing will sit there for ages, and is USUALLY posts eventually - but may take 30 seconds.

Other times pressing send doesn't appear to do anything at all. (The same page with pm there as if not yet sent is


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