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I screwed up somewhere? Need Help

Started by Ronald, Dec 09, 2020, 02:02 PM

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I installed an old christmas theme skin on the forum, I uninstall the portal and the mod 24 48 72 hour because I needed to add part of the code in the christmas skin. I got a error after submitting [Unable to load the 'main_above' template.] it was index.template.php. So I deleted the christmas skin from the cpanel and now the forum will not appear.
I also deleted from the cpanel the 24 48 72 hour mod.

I added the code after the line it says to add after this line. When I clicked submit it rejected.
Tried everything I know, need some help now.

you just need to setup a redirect from http to https

You can read up on how to do that in step 3 in the following topic: https://www.simplemachines.org/community/index.php?topic=555034.msg3934593#msg3934593


The theme skin I deleted was also set to default, so I need to know how to get the smf default skin default again?


I got it up and running again.

BUT now I can't get the forum to show secured, I have reinstalled all the certifates and key.

What is happening.


Hi Ronald,

Did you use repair_settings.php on a normal http url?
That might have changed the url to http://seniorforums.net/
You can fix it easily by running repair_settings.php from a https url e.g https://seniorforums.net/repair_settings.php

https://seniorforums.net/ still works for me.


Quote from: Neša on Dec 10, 2020, 12:37 AMHi Ronald,

Did you use repair_settings.php on a normal http url?
That might have changed the url to http://seniorforums.net/
You can fix it easily by running repair_settings.php from a https url e.g https://seniorforums.net/repair_settings.php

https://seniorforums.net/ still works for me.

The forum does work Nesa. This is what I used to get back in: index.php?theme=1 added to the url, then I changed back to the default skin. The https:// has always been there.

I reset the Lets Encrypt last night, didn't take still "Unsecure" Reset again this morning, still not secure.


Sounds like you may have an image or link to an image on that theme that is not sucured and may be using http instead of https.


<html prefix="og: http://ogp.me/ns#" lang="en"><head>

I found this when inspecting your page. I would assume this is why it is not secure.
"It's the American dream....cause ya have to be asleep to believe it." - George Carlin


Yup! I intended on doing the same but got distracted doing other things. Good find! :)


you just need to setup a redirect from http to https

You can read up on how to do that in step 3 in the following topic: https://www.simplemachines.org/community/index.php?topic=555034.msg3934593#msg3934593


RewriteEngine On
RewriteCond %{HTTPS} !=on
RewriteRule ^ https://%{HTTP_HOST}%{REQUEST_URI} [L,R=301]

Save the above as a text file named .htaccess, and place it in the root folder of your site.  If you already have an .htaccess file, copy & paste the above at the top of the file.

The above I think is what I have to do. Now I have no .htaccess file. So now how do I make one and how do I install it.


I ran the repair_settings, found about 4 http:// changed them to https://. Now the Not Secured has disappeared.


"It's the American dream....cause ya have to be asleep to believe it." - George Carlin


Bitdefender detected an online threat in the link in the sig. ;)


Link removed.

@Andreascon Links that could lead to malicious sites are not allowed.
"It's the American dream....cause ya have to be asleep to believe it." - George Carlin


I'm very sure that user is a bot/scammer/hacker. ;)

Look at what it says under the username in the post profile. ;)


"It's the American dream....cause ya have to be asleep to believe it." - George Carlin


"It's the American dream....cause ya have to be asleep to believe it." - George Carlin